Here we go again. Another attempt to find the best path for Leficomp. Yet, this time it feels different. Let me tell you why.

a black and white photo with the words the journey is on

Where it All Started

Picture this. It’s a Saturday evening in February 2020. I am on my way back from the second in-person weekend at the iPEC coaching program. I am waiting for the bus in the cold and dark evening. Yet…

…I feel at the top of the world. I feel like I can concur the world.

So, naturally, in March 2020 I started my coaching business – Leficomp Business Systems Inc.

If you are wondering where the name comes from, it stands for Level 5 Company. It’s based on the 7 Levels of Energy Framework from iPEC. Level 5 organizations are successful and a fun place to work. But I digress. Let’s get back to the origins story.

As I was wondering what type of coaching business I wanted to have, Jores mentioned something about a boutique company. So, I decided that I will start a boutique Leadership Coaching & Consulting company.

The Winding Road

The lifeline of any business is sales. Finding prospects and converting them to clients are the most important activities for any business at any stage.

Well. I was not good at this. So, naturally, I started looking for help.

I read countless books and joined 4 programs on building a coaching business in the next 4 years (I’m still part of one of these coaching programs). And I had some initial success. The outreach to my network produced results. However, once I got my first clients, I focused 100% on delivery and neglected the marketing and sales aspects of the business (not a good idea, i know).

As I was trying to find my way, I moved away from leadership (because who the hell am I to even think about being a leadership coach, right!?) to helping people start their side hustles to working with women in tech. However, while my background is in tech and I am a woman in tech, I don’t feel passionate about it. And I don’t support the push to 50/50.

Then, an opportunity came again, and since I am passionate about leadership and truly believe that the only crisis we have in the world today is a lack of real leaders, I switched back to leadership coaching. The problem with this? People think that to coach on a specific topic, you need to have experience in this area. In other words, to be a leadership coach, you have to have leadership experience. While this notion is incorrect because this is actually the definition of mentorship, not coaching, it’s hard to make progress in an environment where people want someone who has walked the walk.

So, in June 2024, I decided that enough was enough and stopped doing anything for Leficomp.



A Bit of Introspection

…a Darren Daily episode a few weeks ago prompted me to pause and think about what I bring to the table. What am I good at, and what do I have experience in?

And it clicked!

Personal development, systems, productivity, organization, and habit building.

I have been a personal development junkie for over 20 years now. Yes, since I was a teenager.

And I have had an idea for a productivity tool for a few years now (since I read “Getting Things Done” by David Allen).

So, with this fresh realization and my conviction that we need more people to move away from victim mentality and blame culture into personal responsibility, the rebranded Leficomp was born, together with Plandore, the productivity app we will be launching in Sep 2024.

It’s really exciting to finally have a clear path ahead in an area that aligns with me, personally, and with both of us and the company.

I have spent the past two weeks rebranding and updating the website to get ready for this relaunch. The perfectionist in me wants to update a few more things but I know we have all the necessary elements to go live again. Everything else will be updated and refined as we move forward.

Speaking of moving forward…

The Road Ahead for Leficomp

Are we guaranteed to succeed this time?

No. Not really. Because nothing in life is really guaranteed.

Will we succeed this time?

Yes. Absolutely. Because the past 4 years showed us the way and equipped me personally with everything I need to make this new venture a success.

So, buckle up, my dear high-achieving coaches. It’s time to raise the energy level of the world to 3 and achieve our goals!

P.S. “Us” is Jores and me, the team behind Leficomp and Plandore.

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