photo of three person sitting and talking

Build a Professional Network That Loves You

I know. Networking can sound like a dreadful activity. Yet, growing a business network that loves you will do wonders for your career, business, and life! We are a social species and need human connection. And as the dreadful experience of 2020 is behind us, it’s time to focus on reconnecting with people again. Mastering networking is essential for your leadership advancement and your mental health.

grow business network

What is a professional network?

Before we focus on building a professional network that loves you, let’s define a professional network, shall we?

In a couple of sentences, a professional network is a network of professionals you are connected with – acquaintances, coworkers (current and former), and even friends. These are people in and outside your industry and line of work, and the relationships you develop mutually benefit you and their careers.

Your professional network is a subset of your overall network.

Why networking is important

Networking, in general, allows us to connect with other people and be part of a supportive group. Professional networking itself is crucial because it helps you:

  • Meet interesting people who might even become your friends in the process.
  • Get yourself out there and share your gifts with the world.
  • Feel connected and part of a tribe.
  • Build relationships with people who can help you advance your career or become part of your team or business.
  • Learn new things and explore new options.
  • Have fun.
  • Find mentors and mentees.
  • Create a support system and your own board of advisors.
  • Develop partnerships to help you grow your business.

The list can go on for pages. Human connection is vital in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to having a successful and meaningful career as a leader in any industry and at any stage of your professional journey.

I was attending a virtual Women in Tech event back in April 2022. There were 4 or 5 women panelists, all of whom were at the VP or C-suite level. Guess what they all shared as a critical ingredient for their career advancement?

Yes, you got it right. Having a mentor! Having a support system!

If you want to advance as a leader, networking is essential!

How to get started with building your professional network

Whether you have a solid professional network or not, chances are that you have neglected it in the past few years. We all need a bit of restart.

I’m the type who starts with more manageable tasks that don’t require battling with my inner critic. So, I’ll recommend starting with the people you already work with. Get to know them a bit better – how did they get to where they are? What do they do outside of work?

I’d also reconnect with classmates and former coworkers. And again, message or call the ones I have the strongest relationships with. Don’t get me wrong, in my experience, people love hearing from you even if you haven’t talked in years. So, grab that phone and actually call a person.

As you reconnect with old acquaintances and friends and build more substantial relationships with your current colleagues, you can ask people for introductions. Let them know you are working on expanding your professional network and would love to connect with interesting people who would benefit from knowing you.

As you get the introductions, invite people for coffee chats, and if all three of you are in the same city (you, your old connection, and the new one), get together for dinner or lunch on you.

Last but not least, check what events are available in your city. Is there something interesting with up to 200 people attending? You can go with a friend and meet new people there.

Whatever you decide to start with, remember this – it’s human to human. We are all people craving connection and appreciation. The other person might be as nervous as you are about meeting someone new.

mastering networking

Tips for success in networking

I’m sure you’ve heard many of the tips, but we often need a reminder of what we already know. So, here’s a reminder of how to grow business network successfully:

  • Remember, the person on the other side is another human being with fears and worries, just like you.
  • Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Don’t try to impress by pretending.
  • Be interested first and then interesting. Listen more and talk less.
  • Find the commonality. No matter how different you might think you are, we all have at least something in common – hobbies, dog or cat lovers, kids, work, vacations and places we have visited, childhood memories (toys and movies), books, etc.
  • Be genuine. Really try to connect. And if it doesn’t work, that’s ok. You don’t have to click with every single person. Enjoy the experience of getting to know someone and remain acquaintances.
  • Follow up after you meet.
  • Stay in touch with your network on a regular basis—message people to check in or provide value.

If you want love, be love. If you want your professional network to love you, give them love (no, not that type of love!) and support. Provide value for your connections and be there when they need you. And be someone they want to spend time with, support, work with, refer, and introduce to others.

Networking in a company

Networking in a company is an excellent opportunity to expand your professional network. You have the chance to get to know people you are directly working with and others who are in the same company!

Inviting people for coffee or lunch is a fantastic way to connect and get to know your colleagues. There is a reason “Never Eat Alone” is a bestselling business classic. Reaching out to people in your company and building strong relationships is a crucial ingredient when it comes to advancing your career.

Can you reach out to anyone in your company? Why not. If your intentions are genuine and you want to grow your business network, you can probably invite anyone to connect over a coffee or lunch. What’s the worst thing that can happen? They can say “No”? Or ingore you? Next!

The last thing you need to know about building a professional network that loves you

Do you want to build a professional network that loves you?

Yes? Then, think about the professional network you want to have. Write down everything about it. Even list people you want to have in your network (specific names or titles if you can’t think of a specific person). Think about the type of people you want to surround yourself with.

Do you have a clear picture?


Now, think about this. Who do you need to be in order to have this kind of professional network? Who would these people want to connect with?

Now, work on becoming this person. Follow the tips for successful networking and be the authentic and valuable person people would love to have in their professional network.

One person at a time, you can build an incredible professional network that will support you on your mission to lead authentically with holographic leadership – mind, heart, and gut.

We rise together! And if you are ready to catapult your own career, check how I can help you find your own leadership style and then build it up!

Anna Angelova

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