eat and drink well

How to Eat Healthy with a Busy Schedule

There are at least 6 factors that impact your performance as a leader at any given moment. One of these factors is your physical state. What influences your physical state? Your health, sleep, breathing, exercising, nutrition and hydration. To dive deeper and understand more about the importance of your physical state and how it impacts your performance, this post will focus specifically on the aspect of nutrition and hydration. And specifically on the 7 healthy eating habits you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

7 healthy eating habits

What is nutrition and hydration?

The terms nutrition and hydration probably don’t need an introduction, but just in case, here is what they mean.

Nutrition is basically the food you eat.

Hydration is the water you drink. 

So why are we talking about food and water? Why do they matter? Isn’t it something we all do and know how to do – eat and drink? What’s the big deal with this?

Read on to find out.

Why is it important to eat well and drink water, even when you have a busy schedule?

Research has shown that the food and drinks you consume, as well as when and how much you eat and drink, impact your health and performance in the moment. You have probably experienced a decrease in energy in the afternoon after a heavy meal at lunch. Another thing many people can also relate to is the tiredness caused by a lack of proper hydration. 

“You are what you eat” is not just a saying. The nutrients you consume make or break you in the long term. The impact in the short term might feel good, but you should consider the distant future as well when thinking about your food and water.

Do you want to feel good now and in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s? What kind of life do you want to have in your later life stages?

The choices you make daily define the career and life you will have. If you want to be a successful and thriving leader, how well you eat and how much water you drink are both critical aspects. 

The proper meal can energize you and help you perform at your best. The proper diet and hydration will help you perform at your best every single day and every single time.

7 Healthy Eating Habits For Busy Leaders

We all know we should eat right and drink enough water. Yet, the information out there ranges so much it’s actually contradicting.

  • Do you eat every 3-4 hours or just 2-3 times daily?
  • Do you need to fast?
  • How about eating mainly vegetarian food?
  • Oh wait, there are people who say it should be primarily meat?
  • Low carb? Low-fat?
  • Gluten-free?
  • WTH!!!
drink water

Sigh and a deep breath. If there is one thing I would encourage you to do, it is to eat real food. If nature made it, it’s probably good. Actually, here is a list of the 7 healthy eating habits you can start to find out how you can eat well and drink enough water with your busy schedule. These will actually help you perform at your best and have the remarkable career and life you deserve. 

1. Keep a journal

Keep a journal about your food and hydration and how it impacts your performance.

This thing works.

I’m currently keeping a journal about getting up with the alarm vs snoozing because I want to wake up between 5:30 and 6 am every morning. The awareness a journal creates is outstanding.

Note what and how much you eat and drink, and also write down how you feel and perform afterward. You will start noticing patterns and how different foods and amounts impact your energy. Keep the journal for as long as you want, and at least for a month.

The journal will help you identify what information should be considered when making smart food choices. For example, if you notice you feel energized with a protein- and fat-rich breakfast, especially on days when you have important meetings, you can choose the proper breakfast the next time you are about to meet with the executive team.

2. Learn more about nutrition and hydration

And remember to experiment.

Start experimenting after you have kept the journal and understood some of your tendencies. 

It’s true the information out there is too much and contradicting. However, there is merit in finding out about these different approaches.

People swear by the various diets (a diet is a way of eating, not a limited restriction in eating). You never know what might work for you.

Which brings me to the most critical part if you want to eat healthy. With the awareness you now have, thanks to the journal and the new information you learn, it’s time to start experimenting. Try and see how different diets and nutrients work for you until you find the best one for your energy and performance. 

3. Shop at the periphery of the grocery store

This applies particularly to the big chain stores.

You have probably noticed it. The layout of the stores is so similar.

The periphery is where you will find the produce (vegetables and fruit), milk, cheese, fish, meat, and bread.

The middle is full of packaged and processed foods. Keep at least 80% of your shopping to the periphery.

4. Imagine you are shopping with your grandmother

Yes, imagine she is right next to you. Or even your great-grandmother.

if she were shopping with you, would she recognize the item you just picked as food?

Yes? Buy it.

No? Skip it!!!

Just this simple trick, coupled with the previous habit, will do wonders for your healthy eating habits.

5. Keep a bottle of water next to you

With a bit of salt for proper hydration. And drink regularly.

Sometimes, we mistake thirst for hunger. 

A note of caution is essential here. There is such a thing as drinking too much water.

The general rule is 2 to 3 liters of water (or eight 8-ounce glasses) daily. This depends on where you live, whether you are female or male, how active you are, etc. 

Again, become aware of your body. The first habit of journaling will help you see how much water you drink and how it impacts you. 

6. Take advantage of technology

The technology we have at our fingertips today is outstanding.

Get yourself tested to see what kind of food you should eat based on your genes.

Use wearable devices to monitor KPIs and find out how the food you eat and the water you drink impact you.

There is no need to go overboard and turn into a biohacker (unless you really want to). The point is to make it a habit to measure and improve your health regularly.

7. Enjoy the process

Food and water are fuel for your body. They are also medicine.

When you have the mindset of growth, being in the moment, learning, and mastery, you can enjoy the process, learn, get better with every consequent decision you make, and have high energy and lots of fun along the way. 

You are a busy leader. Incorporating these 7 healthy eating habits will not take too much time from your day, and you will see dramatic results.

As long as you enjoy the process and stay committed to the path ahead.

It’s a lifestyle we are talking about. A life-long journey. So, we might as well have fun with it!

Now What?

I challenge you – start the journal, keep it for at least a month, and create awareness about your eating and drinking habits. This action alone will change how you eat and drink, thus increasing your energy and helping you perform better. 

These are just 7 healthy eating habits you can implement today. Even you have a busy schedule.

How energetic and successful do you want to be? Proper nutrition and hydration are integral to a great career and life. The choice is yours. 

And if you have other easy eating habits for busy leaders like yourself, share them in the comments below.

How do you ensure you perform at your best by eating well and drinking enough water?

Note: This post and the tips are personal opinions. Consult with a physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine. 

Anna Angelova

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