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Leadership in the Age of ChatGPT and AI

If you don’t live under a rock, you have most probably heard of ChatGPT. It’s already causing a lot of debates and has both avid supporters and fierce opponents. Everyone has an opinion about it, including the idea that ChatGPT proves that we need more women in tech!

While we support the idea of a diverse workforce in tech, what’s happening with ChatGPT is not proof that we need more women in tech. What it proves is that we need better leadership – both personal and interpersonal.

The world was in dire need of great leaders before ChatGPT. Now, it’s imperative we take a look at leadership in the age of ChatGPT and AI.

white and black typewriter with white printer paper

What is ChatGPT, and why does it matter?

ChatGPT is an interactive bot that can complete various tasks for users. Its capabilities range from typing a text response for a simple question to writing a complete dissertation and passing an MBA exam.

Many people are excited about it and deem it the most significant development in tech in the past 10 years. Millions of people have tried it in the past weeks, making it unavailable at times due to the huge demand. It provides helpful tips, writes tedious essays and articles, and can even write code.

In short, ChatGPT might be a glimpse of what the future holds. Some people are even wondering whether this will replace Google.

If you are interested in finding out more about ChatGPT, this CNET article is a good resource. We can all agree that exciting times are ahead of us, thanks to the advances in technology. And while ChatGPT and technology matter, any decent consultant or manager knows that it’s people first, processes second, and technology last.

All the cheating that’s happening with ChatGPT these days proves one thing. We are raising another generation of people with no integrity, principles, or values.

Technology itself is not good or bad. Scientific discoveries are not good or bad. The way we use them is what gives them purpose. Technology without people is just a piece of code on a server. So, it’s time to focus on people. It’s time to focus on leadership in the age of ChatGPT and AI.

Personal Leadership in the Age of AI

We are all leaders. This is a fact. The question is whether we lead consciously or on autopilot. In this age of ChatGPT, it’s becoming even more important for all of us to take full responsibility for our leadership role at home, in the office, and within our communities.

When it comes to your personal leadership, you want to instill the following attributes in yourself (and, if you are a parent, in your kids):

  • Integrity! Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching and just because it is the right thing to do. Wondering why we are starting with this one (did someone say “cheating”)? Integrity is powerful. It’s personal. It’s also something no one will reward you for (at least in the beginning). You might actually get punished for having integrity while everyone else is cheating and receiving high marks. Stay the course, though. Integrity is a key attribute of great leaders.
  • Emotional Intelligence. One thing AI can’t do yet (while it’s still a piece of code on non-organic servers) is feel emotions. And we people are emotional beings. We make decisions based on emotions and then rationalize them with logic. Understanding and managing emotions in yourself and others is another critical skill for leadership in the age of ChatGPT and AI.
  • Lifelong Learning. The third attribute of personal leadership is about being growth-minded and striving for continuous improvement. There is always room for improvement. Stay open-minded and eager to hear and consider various points of view. What works today will not be useful tomorrow. It’s important to keep on growing and improving the models we have. And start thinking for yourself. That thing in your head and between your ears is there for a reason. Allow input, but process the information and reach your own conclusions.
  • Leadership Development. Lastly, you want to be an example for others and raise the next generation of leaders who continue your mission. In this time of lack of leaders, be a leader people follow. Be an example for your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. And then, go one step further and start raising leaders instead of followers. Lift others up to conscious leadership with you.

Which one will you start with?

woman wearing black Alice band

Leadership in Tech in the Age of AI

Now that we have reviewed the attributes of personal leadership in the age of ChatGPT and AI, it’s time to move to leadership in tech.

Whether you are a coder, tester, PM, Scrum Master, data analyst, people manager, senior manager, or executive, you are a leader in tech! It is your responsibility to give tech a purpose that serves all.

In addition to the personal leadership attributes mentioned above, as a leader in tech, you have two more areas of leadership to improve.

People First

People come first. Technology for the sake of technology doesn’t matter.

It’s all about the users of your product or service. It’s about the employees who create the products or services.

Remember level 4 energy? Learn to tap into it. How can you help others? How does your technology help people?

Gatekeepers such as ChatGPT and Google can be very powerful and biased, just like the people who create them. Because of the people who create them. Sometimes, this is on purpose (lack of integrity and principles, anyone?). Other times, it is unconscious. Because we don’t realize we have biases that transfer to our code and solutions.

So, as a leader in tech, remember that people come first. And also, work on yourself and learn more about your own biases and blind spots (lifelong learning for the win!).

Commit to excellence

After you remember it’s all about people – customers, employees, partners, etc., it’s time to commit to excellence. Be the best and do the best.

You can tap into level 4 energy here as well and top it up with seeing opportunities (level 5) and creating exciting solutions (levels 6 and 7). Tapping into the higher anabolic energy levels and perspectives will allow you to work on making things better and finding ways to help others.

Excellence in what you do as a leader in tech creates value for others (customers, employees, etc.) and gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Try it. You’ll be happy with the results 🙂

The last thing you need to know about leadership in the age of AI

AI is here to stay. And like with any technological or scientific advancement, it’s up to us, people, to use it for advancement and not destruction.

Unfortunately, our human history doesn’t support our ability to act wisely (e.g., splitting of the atom leading to a new weapon). Yet, we believe there’s hope. Leadership development has never been better. Our knowledge of human behavior has never been vaster and more impressive. The spiritual and scientific worlds have never before agreed like they do today, that everything is ultimately energy.

We are all leaders. You are a leader. Leadership in the age of ChatGPT and AI is all about getting back to fundamental principles. It’s all about doing the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. It’s about people – serving people and raising the next generation of real 21st-century leaders.

Are you ready to rise to your leadership potential?

The choice is yours. But remember … the world needs leaders now more than ever.

Anna Angelova

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