person holding book sitting on brown surface

How to be a Good Reader

Excel. And keep on excelling. Life is a journey of learning and growing. And this applies more in leadership. If you want to truly motivate, inspire, and lead others, you need to keep on learning. This is why the topic for this post is how to be a good reader. Books are necessary for sustained success. And know what makes a good reader can help you grow as a leader as well.

what makes a good reader

All Leaders are Readers

There is this phrase that leaders are readers. And it’s true. Leaders keep on learning and getting better all the time. Even billionaires know how important it is to be a good reader.

One sign of whether a person will achieve success is the size of their library compared to their TV. People with big libraries vs. people with big TVs. Producers vs. consumers.

Who do you want to be? And most importantly, how do you become a good reader?

What makes someone a good reader is not the speed of reading or the quantity of books read. It’s all about the experience itself and the intention behind reading. Smarter reading vs. harder reading.

Why you want to be a better reader

Before we get to the tips on how to be a good reader, let’s review why you want to improve in this area.

Simply put, books are a treasure trove of information and knowledge. Want to become an manager? There is a book about it. Wondering how to improve your problem-solving skills? You can find books on the topic (yes, and online resources). Looking for inspiration on how to succeed at work? Indra Nooyi has a biography.

On top of these, books are a great escape from reality into various worlds. Some are fantastic, others are of years gone by. Yet others are about the possible future of our world.

Reading is both a way to learn and a way to enjoy life. It’s a necessity and a hobby.

And as a leader, you gain a lot from reading. In general, it expands your horizons, opens up your mind, and makes you a better communicator:

  • You will be able to listen with an open mind and more understanding thanks to the books you read.
  • You will improve your vocabulary with every chapter you indulge in.
  • You will connect with people better by traveling to various imaginary and past worlds.

But enough about why you want to be a better reader. Time to find out how to do it.

What Makes a Good Reader and 10 Tips to Become One

How to be a good reader

Tip 1: Read just-in-time

When it comes to your career and leadership at work, I highly recommend you read just in time.

What does it mean?

It means that you start with your current career or leadership goal in mind. Do you want to get into the C-suite? Or become a manager? Or transition to a different industry? Or maybe improve the performance of your team?

Once you know your goal, figure out what skills and knowledge you need. Then, find the best 5 books on the topic and read them. And if there is a book that really resonates with you, reread it.

This is what just-on-time is. You become a better reader by reading books that help you in your current situation.

For personal and career development, try to have 80% or more of your books in this category.

Ultimately, what makes a good reader is knowing why you read what you read. And the just-in-time approach is a perfect starting point.

Tip 2: Add a bit of just-in-case

I’m sure you know what just-in-case is now. And you can also do the math that approximately 20% of your career and personal development books should be in this category.

These books help you learn new things – how to start a company, what it takes to move to a different country, what the eviction reality in the US is, and how the world is a better place than we think… The list is endless.

What’s common among these books is that none of them helps you directly in your current role and with your short-term goals. They expand your horizons and equip you with the knowledge you might use one day. Just not today.

Tip 3: Sprinkle it with variety

A second aspect of what makes a good reader is reading various genres. Don’t limit yourself to only non-fiction and leadership books. Open a fantasy if you like the genre. Or read a novel (yes, the ones the Hallmark movies are based on 😉 ).

There are good books in every genre. There are great books in every category. Explore and see what you like.

Non-fiction books can be a great pastime at the end of a tiring day when your brain cannot even comprehend how to transition into a successful first-time manager.

Furthermore, novels help with developing empathy – something very important, especially for leaders!

So, the next time you feel guilty for picking up a Reacher book instead of “Nerve”, don’t feel guilty. 🙂

be a better reader

Tip 4: Choose the best format

Do you know how lucky we are?

Not only do we have books, but we also have them in so many formats:

  • Physical
  • Ebooks
  • Audiobooks
  • Short summaries

If you haven’t tried the various formats, do it. You never know what you’d like.

Granted, some books are better in print than audio (science, I’m talking about you!). Yet, many books can be great in any format.

Some people actually start with the audio version, and if they like it, they get the physical copy to be able to underline and add notes. And they can also get the digital copy for a more effortless transfer of ideas to digital notes. (yes, I’m a bookworm)

Tip 5: Join a book club

If you want to become a better reader, join a book club. This will allow you to meet with bookworms and see how others perceive the same information you read.

It’s a fantastic way to expand your horizons, see a new point of view, and learn how to get deeper into the meaning of the words in a book.

Joining a book club is also an excellent social activity. You might meet like-minded people and even become friends with some.

girl reading book

Tip 6: Enrol your family

What better way to enjoy a book than to read it with your family?

If you have young kids, you are probably reading books for them. This can be such a wonderful bonding experience (exploring Hogwarts with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, anyone?).

Guess what? You can also read a book with your spouse.

Jores and I do this occasionally. I read a book aloud while he cooks. (I know. I’m fortunate, and I’m grateful for this. )

Tip 7: Use your NET

As with anything, you get better at reading with experience. Once you start reading books, you will get hooked.

But when can I do this? I’m so busy with everything I have on my plate – work, kids, the house!

I understand it, my fellow high-achieving and caring leader. And I have great news.

You can use your NET – No Extra Time.

Taking a dump (pardon my French)? Read a book.

Driving 40 minutes to work? Listen to a book.

Going to walk the dog? Listen to a book.

You do many activities on autopilot (did you say laundry?). Use these opportunities to read or listen to books.

white cup with saucer near bok

Tip 8: Stay focused

Now, here comes the other side of the coin.

What makes a good reader is monotasking (no multitasking!!!). Focus your attention on the book when you read.

If possible, turn off your TV and all other distractions.

This also means that if you can’t really pay attention to the book, you shouldn’t read or listen to it. If you are driving or walking and need your attention on these activities, turn off the book.

Tip 9: Share what you read with others

We are almost at the end of the list. This one is from your school years.

Share what you read with others – your spouse, friends, siblings, and coworkers.

If you know you will share the information afterward, you will be more focused while you read. This will allow you to really comprehend the content.

Sharing what you read with others has another benefit. It inflames your passion for reading and can bring you closer to people who like the same books. Isn’t it awesome? And aren’t these two benefits?

Tip 10: Start with your preferences

Lastly, if you are getting back to reading, start with genres you like. Heck, reread books you loved reading before.

Once you get into the habit of reading, you can explore different genres and authors. It’s ok to start with the familiar before you venture into the unknown.

Final Thoughts on What Makes a Good Reader

To be a good reader, you want to be present when you read a book and really enjoy the experience. It’s not about reading 100 books a year. The quality is what matters, not the quantity.

The world is changing rapidly. You couldn’t have chosen a more fast-paced role than leadership. If you want to truly succeed and thrive in the field, you need to be a good reader.

Keep on excelling by learning and growing. And with the help of the books you read.

And just for fun, in the comments below, share which book you are reading now and your takeaways. (ok, who am I kidding? Which books are you reading now)

Anna Angelova

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